Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Better Nation

           After the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy was passed, it allowed many illegal children that entered the country before June 2007 and before the age of 16 to receive a renewable two year working permit. Shortly after, President Obama went forward with the executive order protecting the millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. Those who didn't qualify for DACA or are unable to establish a legal residency in the United States are now being protected with these policies. There are about 5 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Not only is this a huge relief for all the undocumented immigrants who immigrated to the land of hopes and dreams, but it's a leap for the United States as well. More people are going to be accounted for taxes, the money that the 5 million undocumented immigrants are going to be charged to move forward with this process is going to benefit the U.S in so many ways. This means that we may be able to reconstruct our nation into a better economy. All the money that will be coming into and circling in the U.S could be used for more parks, roads, reconstruction, education.

           As Connecticut takes the first step in supporting Obama's executive order by issuing licenses for illegal immigrants. They will be permitted to take the driving test so that more people will be driving on roads responsibly, registered, and insured. This will make roads safer, more people will be insured, our death rates will decrease. Hopefully other states in our country will take initiative by implementing driving tests such as Connecticut did, or offer more jobs to give the opportunity for families to make a better living. All these policies will only better our country!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Commentary on Darcus Goslin's blog.

In an article written by one of my fellow classmates Darcus Goslin written on September 19, 2014 , he addresses the topic about birth control being sold over the counter. Not only do I agree with him that women should be able to buy birth control over the counter if necessary, but the fight over the counter of birth control is becoming more of a battle of what party can get the most constituents on their side. The republicans are switching their focus in order to gain more women voters. Although, if the women decided to vote in the republicans favor it is possible that they could get this process to go through. However, with a time lag. As Darcus says "The world revolves around themselves and not the people-it is time for that to change." In which I agree with this statement.

As he states that the women would be paying much more out pocket because health insurance wouldn't cover the purchase of birth control over the counter. If Obama has already allowed for women to receive birth control through private insurance or their employers. Why is it that the republican party is focusing so much on this topic rather than trying to put to rest many other important problems in our country. So with this being said, if it is possible to buy the use of this contraceptive so freely. Will it really be benefiting the American women, or the republican party members? The republicans in this case are doing what will benefit them, now that we've gotten so close to the election.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Americans Should Be Entitled to Universal Healthcare

Being one of the richest and more technically advanced countries on this earth, I believe that not one person should be denied healthcare because they can't afford it or their insurance won't cover it. As stated in the Declaration of Independence everyone has unalienable rights, stating that they have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If that's the case then shouldn't it be our home countries duty to provide universal health care because we have the right to "life"?

According to the US Census Bureau in 2012, 47.9 million people didn't have health insurance. Not having health insurance is a burden to many families. They have to hold back from getting the proper care they deserve, because they can't afford it. In result to this, we have the third highest rates of infant mortality compared to other nations. Infants that could have survived, but didn't because lack of coverage. Deprived from their right to "life".

It is recorded in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) of 2012, other countries are able to provide full coverage to their abiding citizens with anywhere from $3,559- $4,288, but the U.S. spends $8,508 per person on health care. Compared to other countries we spend twice as much on one person, when we could possibly split the number in half and provide healthcare to two people rather than one.

 The fight for U.S health care has been hectic and still we can’t find a way to help every American when sick. If we provided universal health those problems could slowly decrease. It has been proven to work through multiple countries so why do we hold back? With that have being said I think universal health care is a good move.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Ebola "Crisis"

I agree with the article published by Power Line on October 16th " The Ebola Panic, the media, and the limits of government" because I believe we as the country could be taking better precautions on the ebola case. I don't want to focus all the blame on president Obama but focus on the federal government as a whole. The feeral government should be responsible in speaking up about what's going on about the status of ebola. Rather than letting the media manipulate the publics knowledge on ebola. As some of us know that the only people who will feed into the fear are the people who aren't educated well enough to knlw that the media is only concerned with getting a story out and making money. Therefore,  to conclude what Paul Mirengoff is stating in his article.  There is no surprise if the federal government does nothing to speak up and allows the media to blow up the story. In the end the people are only going to blame the government for their ignorance.

Friday, October 3, 2014

A Decrease in Student Loan Defaults, A Strong Federal Government.

On October 2nd, New York Times published an article on the opinion pages written by The Editorial Board "What to Do About Student Loan Defaults." In which he argues that the federal government needs to do something about creating affordable payment plans basing it on the student’s income.  "Allowing them to eat and pay the rent without falling into default". According to the editorial board in 2011, 650,000 as what he calls "borrowers" began paying back their loans, but had already defaulted by 2013. Not only does defaulting cause damage to the students credit, possibility of taking out another loan in the future, but it can reduce the amount they get back from the government on their income taxes and social security checks. As well as, schools risking the possibility of losing the Pell grant program and the federal loan program due to their default rates being too high, leaving them too be forced to shut down.
As a college student that has other bills to pay and needs to be able to put food on the table. I agree with the editorial board that the federal government needs to create a system that helps student pay off their loans without the risk of falling into default. The federal Government tells us that we have a certain amount to pay each month, and when we fail to make those monthly payments. The interest builds up, and we become even more in debt. How do they expect us to pay those debts off if we couldn't pay it the first time? I believe that if the federal government bases the monthly amount the "borrowers" have to pay depending on their income, the default rate would decrease a vast amount. However, I also agree that the federal government should crack down how much money they let the students borrow and pay more attention to what that money is going towards. They should only give enough to students so that they're able to pay off their school bills, books, and school supplies.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

U.S. Military Aid For Ukraine

While Ukraine continues to protect their freedom against Russia. Earlier today, September 18, 2014 CBS published an article" Ukrainian president asks U.S. for military aid " in which Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko reached out to the U.S. for military support against the Russians. After Poroshenko met up with President Obama they made it clear to the world and Russian president Vladimir that America would stand by Ukraine. Poroshenko made it clear, that the U.S aid will prevent Russia from attacking because Russia will be afraid to put their soldiers in danger. Emphasizing the U.S. world power. Poroshenko claims that Russia doesn't only threat Europe but the entire world.
            The U.S. is concerned that if they don't cease Russian hostility. Russia will try to attack the NATO allies. In which would cause a larger world problem. Therefore The Senate Foreign Relations Committee plan to vote on a bill in order to aid Ukraine. Poroshenko finishes his claim by saying, "You support a nation that has chosen freedom in the most cynical of times. In Ukraine, you don't build a democracy, it already exists -- you just defend it." As Americans we understand what it's like to fight for freedom, similar in the way as we fought for our freedom against the British. Aiding Ukraine could cause another problem for America, but it will display the U.S. sympathy towards a nation who is fighting for their freedom. As well as make it evident to the world that America is a country that supports world peace.