In an article written by one of my fellow classmates Darcus Goslin written on September 19, 2014 , he addresses the topic about birth control being sold over the counter. Not only do I agree with him that women should be able to buy birth control over the counter if necessary, but the fight over the counter of birth control is becoming more of a battle of what party can get the most constituents on their side. The republicans are switching their focus in order to gain more women voters. Although, if the women decided to vote in the republicans favor it is possible that they could get this process to go through. However, with a time lag. As Darcus says "The world revolves around themselves and not the people-it is time for that to change." In which I agree with this statement.
As he states that the women would be paying much more out pocket because health insurance wouldn't cover the purchase of birth control over the counter. If Obama has already allowed for women to receive birth control through private insurance or their employers. Why is it that the republican party is focusing so much on this topic rather than trying to put to rest many other important problems in our country. So with this being said, if it is possible to buy the use of this contraceptive so freely. Will it really be benefiting the American women, or the republican party members? The republicans in this case are doing what will benefit them, now that we've gotten so close to the election.
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